Alchemy of the Reset


Alchemy of the Reset

2020, 2023   |   Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA

The inaugural 2020 series of Alchemy of the Reset was hosted and created by Yerba Buena Center for the Art’s Chief of Program Meklit Hadero with YBCA Senior Fellows Brett Cook and Liz Lerman—three artists who have dedicated their creative practices to inspiring systems and structural change. Hadero, Cook, and Lerman engaged in dialogue with other artistic and creative leaders whose bodies of work and stories of reset aim to inspire members of the YBCA community to take action. The series returned in 2023 with Cook and Lerman inviting new guests to dive back into questions of how we might reimagine our future and inspire action.


2023 Series


2020 Series


Photos: Yerba Buena Center for the Arts


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