PATH EDvance Evaluation

Defining “Learning and Transformation with Mindfulness” workshop beginnings and creating rubrics with program participants at San Francisco State University.

PATH EDvance Evaluation

2019-2020   |    San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA

Creating a California early childhood education workforce dedicated to social justice


Program Assessment Project  

This project was a program evaluation that focused on EDvance’s upper division pathway—Promoting Achievement Through Higher Education (PATH) and was designed to inform the ongoing development of PATH and provide staff, funders, and other stakeholders with meaningful data about the process and impact of the pathway. A core aspect of this evaluation was the development of ongoing structures and systems to support evaluation and data tracking into the future.

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EDvance is a locally and nationally recognized early childhood teacher preparation program and field building initiative that aims to create a California early childhood education workforce that is dedicated to social justice; reflective of the children and families who attend public early childhood education settings; and, is well-equipped to teach in the classroom, lead in educational settings, and advocate for policy and systems changes. EDvance is designed to address the shortage of degreed early childhood educators in San Francisco while ensuring the field’s racial, ethnic, and linguistic diversity.   

EDvance is based at San Francisco State University in San Francisco, California. It is housed in the Department of Child and Adolescent Development and supports both lower and upper division pathways to promote the development of early childhood educators. Across both pathways EDvance offers academic tutoring, individualized academic advising and educational planning, guaranteed enrollment in courses, and fiscal incentives and stipends to create the conditions for the success of historically underrepresented, first-generation students. These supports are complemented by a well-sequenced and coherent curriculum, cohort-based courses offered at convenient times for working professionals, extensive opportunities to translate pedagogical theory into practice under the guidance of mentor teachers, and a dedicated and collaborative faculty who have considerable experience in the field of early care and education and strong partnerships with early care and education providers. 

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Meet some of the PATH participants featured in Pathways to Success
Click to view the PATH EDvance Evaluation Report

Stephanie Estrada story portrait
Dye infused HD metal prints, paint pigments, archival digital prints, string lights, model writings, artificial flowers.

"... once I met [this] group of people I realized that I do have worth. Even though there are systems against me because of the color of my skin, and who I am as a woman, I know that I belong here, and that this system can be redesigned."

— Stephanie Estrada

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Merced Rocha story portrait
Dye infused HD metal prints, paint pigments, archival digital prints, string lights, model writings, artificial flowers.

"I said it doesn’t hurt to go through. I know it’s a little bit harder, but, I say, 'I can do it.'”

— Merced Rocha

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Monica Houmann story portrait
Dye infused HD metal prints, paint pigments, archival digital prints, string lights, model writings, artificial flowers.

"You need to start getting used to - to how to control all these fears that there was too much. But I did it. I passed my first semester fine.”

— Monica Houmann

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Stephanie Estrada story portrait
Dye infused HD metal prints, paint pigments, archival digital prints, string lights, model writings, artificial flowers.

"When I graduated high school, I knew I wanted to be a teacher, and so I got my AA in child development."

— Jessica Campos

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Promoting Achievement Through Higher Education (PATH)

Promoting Achievement Through Higher Education (PATH) is EDvance’s upper division pathway that is designed for both transfer students and lower division students to complete a Bachelor’s Degree while they are also working in the field. The pathway is aimed at improving the quality of early childhood education in San Francisco by supporting current and new workforce participants to obtain their Bachelor of Arts degree in Child and Adolescent Development (CAD).  

PATH supports students who aspire to be teachers and current teachers who want to complete their BA degree. The program targets first-generation, underrepresented students, about 75% of whom are transfer students. Many of the students are above the traditional college age, are working in the field of early childhood education, and are parents. Graduates of EDvance’s programs are sought after to teach in early childhood education settings across the Bay Area because they are well-prepared, culturally competent early childhood professionals who act as advocates for the children they serve, themselves, and their field.

See the process behind the project

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2019-09-10 18.44.03

Defining learning and Transformation with Mindfulness workshop beginnings, creating rubrics with program participants at San Francisco State University

2019-09-10 18.44.03

How can positive forms of artistic representation reflect new personal meanings?

2019-09-10 18.44.03

Drawing self-portraits as part of the Looking To See Ourselves Workshop

2019-09-10 18.44.03

Creating Collages of Self to nurture themselves and people and educators, San Francisco State University.

2019-09-10 18.44.03

Using “SEE, Think, and Wonder” protocol to look deeply with others to help refine our understanding about Learning and transformation.

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